Tuesday January 28 2025
Sun Rise / Set
07:14 - 17:24
Rahu Kalam
14:51 - 16:07
Yama Gandam
09:46 - 11:02
Tel: (916) 483-4760 Email: mailinglist@svcctemple.org https://www.facebook.com/svcctemplesacramento
SnippetsBhakti Snippet 1Veda Vyasa is a part manifestation of Shri Hari. He separated the four Vedas under the names Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Adarvaveda. He also compiled the Puranas and Itihasas and called them as fifth Veda. Of these, Paila learnt Rigveda, the seer Jaimini learnt Sama Veda and Vaishampayana mastered Yajurveda. Sumanthu acquired proficiency in Adharva Veda. Romaharshana got trained in Ithihasas and Puranas. They in turn divided their respective Vedas into many branches and taught them to their Sishyas, who in turn propagated among various generations of Shisyas. Even after completing such great work, Vyasa was frustrated that he has not realised his full nature. How he overcame this, we will discuss in the coming days.Sri Siddhi Vinayaka Cultural Center - Sacramento, 4679 Aldona Lane, Sacramento, CA 95841 Tel: (916) 483-4760 / (916) 621-8551 / (916) 579-1156 / (925) 301-0391 Weekdays : 9am - 12pm and 6pm - 8:30pm / Weekends : 9am - 8pm https://www.svcctemple.org/ / https://sacramento.svcctemple.org/ / https://www.svcctemple.org/SVCCTempleSacramento mailinglist@svcctemple.org Name: Siddhi Vinayaka Cultural Center Inc, A 501(C)(3) tax exempt organization - EIN: 68-0480175